Friday, September 10, 2021

bank of america edd

In November 2020, I had my BofA EDD prepaid debit card account hacked by people overseas. All the transactions happened within a 4 week period and I was never notified by BofA. All of the transactions were done through Facebook. I had, in 4 weeks, a little over 13 thousand dollars drained out of my account. Called BofA to report fraud and start a fraud case.

bank of america edd - In November 2020

The CSR girl I talked to said she was @arting a case and I would be getting stuff in the mail in 3 days. Called back the fraud department and talked to a wonderful guy who helped me. My account has been frozen since and since she never started a case, the hackers were able to take even more money out. I hadn't heard or wasnt able to get ahold of anyone.

bank of america edd - All the transactions happened within a 4 week period and I was never notified by BofA

I lost my car because of this and I'm still about to lose my home. My husband is disabled and I'm his caretaker and we are very low income as is so this just sent me on and emotional downhill spiral. I recently, without notice again, checked my BofA app and on May 21st, my money is back and I'm unlocked.

bank of america edd - All of the transactions were done through Facebook

But because of this, EDD has froze my account and I havent been paid by them for 9 weeks. Bad enough u have to worry about exposure and not infecting my disabled husband, now I've got this!! I would like to be part of this class action lawsuit as there is so much more that happened with BofA and because of their actions.

bank of america edd - I had

On March 29, 2021 I was expecting my deposit in my account. And when I went to the gas station to pump gas I noticed I couldn't pump more than $25 I didn't check my account before I pumped gas because I assumed my money was in there. I checked online to see if I was paid and it showed status paid. I then called the bank and checked my balance because I figured the app was delayed on getting the updated information. And it said that same amountThat's the app showed. I freaked out call Bank of America notify them of this and then the agent told me to file a police report that it would help.

bank of america edd - Called BofA to report fraud and start a fraud case

So I went on the federal commission website and filed a reportBecause Bank of America closed my claim one day after I reported money stolen. They sent me a letter saying that their decision has been based on fraudulent ask that I might've done. And have them open my claim back up and then they send me another letter based on the information they have they close my claim or denied it again. So for the third time I called them and disputed there decision and fax them the identity theft report and I still have yet to hear from them.

bank of america edd - The CSR girl I talked to said she was arting a case and I would be getting stuff in the mail in 3 days

Many users report their Bank of America BofA EDD accounts are closed and their debit cards are blocked. Replacement card fees may apply for the physical card. However ATMs may impose their own limits on the amount of individual withdrawals or the total withdrawals per card over the course of a day or other period of time. To activate the card after receiving in the mail the individual may go to This Webpage and begin the process.

bank of america edd - Called back the fraud department and talked to a wonderful guy who helped me

Users are also annoyed over the customer service at the Bank of America BofA as most of them are said to be kept on hold for long hours on the call. If you have a Bank of America EDD Debit card California for your unemployment benefits please be aware that if your debit card is frozen this week it coul. Some transaction types may not be available at all locations. The EDD card is available for use at any retail establishment as well as ATMs. Not all customers or all cards are eligible for our digital card for debit.

bank of america edd - My account has been frozen since and since she never started a case

Although to lessen the burden of a fee it is recommended to use the card at aBank of America Location. I am currently trying to recover $1,880 that B of A refuses to put back on my account until their investigation is complete. It just got reopened and there is no expected date on when the investigation will be finalized. I no longer receive unemployment benefits and need that money desperately. The countless hours between Bank of America and EDD either giving me incorrect information or no information at all or realistic expectations has left me very frazzled and almost suicidal.

bank of america edd - I hadnt heard or wasnt able to get ahold of anyone

It has caused Great conflict in my current marital affairs along with other family members due to the financial strain and emotional anguish. Their agreement states that they will put the money back on within 10 days and that the investigation will take up to 45 days of which we've both passed. I made customer service aware of this and their reply was that it was 10 days from the initial claim.

bank of america edd - I lost my car because of this and Im still about to lose my home

They closed the initial claim the day that they froze my account so I suppose they closed it the same day that they opened it when I reported the fraud. I have been left on hold for up to an hour and a half at a time of which I hung up and passed back and forth from One customer service agent to the next just to get me off the phone. I have done what was requested of me and feel that my funds are of no importance to them and have had no success in getting an honest answer when earnestly requesting one. We are in real trouble if this is what college is turning out these days. I have never felt more unimportant and never has customer service had such a sense of disregard towards their customers.

bank of america edd - My husband is disabled and Im his caretaker and we are very low income as is so this just sent me on and emotional downhill spiral

The police told me that a card skimmer was located in the ATM at the BofA branch that I used last before my money was stolen. I filed a claim with BofA and sent them all of the police info. I called BofA claims to verify they received the reports only to be told that they failed to file my claim correctly when I called to report it the first time and they would have to start over and re file everything all over again. I received a replacement card in the mail yesterday and could not activate it through their automated system so I called them. They told me they activated the card and transferred me to another automated system to reset my PIN number. That automated system still couldn't recognize the new card number.

bank of america edd - I recently

This time the rep told me that the original card used to commit the fraud was still active in their system and that he would need to cancel it in order to activate the new card they sent. In the middle of him doing so, he hangs up on me. I call back again and get a different person who I have to explain this whole story to again. She told me that the guy who hung up on my accidentally canceled the replacement card they just sent me and that they now have to send out another new one!

bank of america edd - But because of this

In the meantime, I still have not heard back from the claims Dept regarding the status of my claim and I'm still out $1000! The last woman I spoke to at BofA claims told me that she gets claims exactly like this multiple times a day! The police told me that this isn't the first time a credit card skimmer has been located at this particular branch! Who is responsible for making sure our money is safe while in Bank of America's care? Why is it that they can't even give you a time frame as to when to expect your money back?! Needless to say I am disgusted with this bank and can not understand why this has been allowed to go on for so long.

bank of america edd - Bad enough u have to worry about exposure and not infecting my disabled husband

It means bank of america will continue delivering unemployment benefits on edd debit cards for up to two more years despite rampant fraud, . Contact bank of america for replacement card (online/phone) and customer service. I've been waiting for over two months for ANY sort of answer from BofA and still have nothing. The first week of March I had $5,000 withdrawn from my EDD BofA account, and only on the fifth day after five consecutive $1,000 withdrawals did my card finally get frozen, which I realized when I went to spend $20 at my local Target. My card got declined and I tried again with the same outcome, only to check my account and see it almost completely drained. I called BofA right away and they told me claims was closed for the day and to call again in the morning, so I did.

bank of america edd - I would like to be part of this class action lawsuit as there is so much more that happened with BofA and because of their actions

I got passed around multiple people for almost 3 hours and then finally finished my call to file the claim. A few days later I get a letter in the mail saying my claim had been closed because they thought it was fraudulent– closing date being ONE day after I had initially filed. I went through all the necessary steps to unfreeze my accounts, verified my Identity with the state edd and everything, and still have nothing. I called to reopen my claim, which I was told had been done, only to have zero updates on everything.

bank of america edd - On March 29

So I called again a few days ago to see what was going on, and the gentleman on the phone tells me my claim hadn't been reopened yet and it was in the "reconsideration to reopen" process. The fact that BofA isn't really doing anything about this, on top of the fact that it literally says they monitor and protect against this sort of stuff on more than one of their contracts/documents, is ridiculous. People like me are relying on this money to get things taken care of, and for a bank being "of the people" it certainly doesn't feel that way. I have been declined at Walmart two separate occasions. I knew there was plenty funds to purchase the groceries and gifts I had for my family.

bank of america edd - And when I went to the gas station to pump gas I noticed I couldnt pump more than 25 I didnt check my account before I pumped gas because I assumed my money was in there

I was denied money from the atm my card was froze on Christmas Eve and not a dime had been on my card since. I am losing everythingthing I own so fast it's terrifying. I spent hours what turned into days on the phone trying to reach BOA. What a joke every rep told me something different. I never did get a straight story from anyone. They don't offer a option to speak to fraud right away as typically I have been able to imediately reach a live rep in the even of a lost or stolen card situation or fraud in my cause.

bank of america edd - I checked online to see if I was paid and it showed status paid

Either way I did not feel protected having BOA in charge of my card from day one. I never did resolve anything in this situation. I am losing everything I worked for and BOA has no compassionate for Americans out here relying on what little DOL is hanging over our heads.

bank of america edd - I then called the bank and checked my balance because I figured the app was delayed on getting the updated information

I deserve unemployment and sadly my what little it is, I need it and if your gonna be the middle man, I'd suggest get it together and be accountable for your actions. It's illegal in so many ways I don't know what case I really want to be a part of because this is only the beginning of class actions that's gonna be filed I have a feeling. I don't appreciate my life being played with. I was already a check or two away from losing it all, post pandemic.

bank of america edd - And it said that same amountThats the app showed

Unemployment has done a fine job in helping me lose all I got and to not even be able to count on one of the most well known banks in our country. Honestly I will not get what I deserve for the pain and suffering alone this bank has caused but if it assures accountably that BOA needs to hold. On February 21, 2021, 1 had $983 stolen off my EDD debit card when I went to buy groceries at a Lucky supermarket. When I check my EDD card when I got home I saw the missing money. The next day, Monday morning I called Bank of America. They said they are canceling my card and will send me a new one in the mail.

bank of america edd - I freaked out call Bank of America notify them of this and then the agent told me to file a police report that it would help

When I got their letter in the mail it said they were closing my claim because EDD froze my account. I just found out that EDD unfrozen my account on April 1, 2021. Bank of America action like they don't want to process my claim. I told her you didn't ask for a police report two months ago when I called. You didn't give me a debit card with a chip on for security purposes. They said I should get a claim form in ten days.

bank of america edd - So I went on the federal commission website and filed a reportBecause Bank of America closed my claim one day after I reported money stolen

My UI benefit money was stolen from my BofA acct on the 26th of April. All they said is they will be conducting an investigation. I was left with no money to live on and no one could give me a glimmer if hope in getting the money back. I received a new card but it took me all day to activitate as they said they couldnt verify my ID. I called back several days later to check on the status of my claim and they said it was closed.

bank of america edd - They sent me a letter saying that their decision has been based on fraudulent ask that I mightve done

No one cared enough to help me understand the process or "why". I was treated like I was annoying them by asking questions. One employee I got on the line was impossible to ubderstand! I was treated lije it was up to me to prove to them that I was not the crook!

bank of america edd - And have them open my claim back up and then they send me another letter based on the information they have they close my claim or denied it again

When i told one of the reps that it was the fault of BofA for allowing a hacker to transfer money out if my acct. Into the hackers acct., she was extremely rude and told ne there was nothing BofA can do. Car payment bounced; insurance payment bounced. Someone took $900 from my husbands account on Easter. They said 10 business days for the credit while they investigated. Then on the 6th, the very next day, they closed the claim, for no apparent reason.

bank of america edd - So for the third time I called them and disputed there decision and fax them the identity theft report and I still have yet to hear from them

The next day we got a new card so my husband went to BofA and gave them 3 identifying docs. They activated the new card but didn't reopen the claim. The representative today stated that they now have 45 days to decide whether or not to issue the credit…it's all a scam, meanwhile we are making arrangements and accruing fees.

bank of america edd - Many users report their Bank of America BofA EDD accounts are closed and their debit cards are blocked

We were literally 200 miles away from where this money was taken. We have proof of our where about and even provided that to them. In our case this is Disability payments from EDD.

bank of america edd - Replacement card fees may apply for the physical card

I know I pay and SDI tax as does my husband, and to get his benefits replaced is such a hassle. We have spoken to 12 representatives and spend a total of 9 hours trying to resolve this. No one on the EDD side knows what they are doing.

bank of america edd - However ATMs may impose their own limits on the amount of individual withdrawals or the total withdrawals per card over the course of a day or other period of time

We've had Representatives having private conversations in the background. We've been on hold every single time a minimum of 42 minutes. I hope we get contacted to join a class action.

bank of america edd - To activate the card after receiving in the mail the individual may go to This Webpage and begin the process

They issued me a new card also but I could not activate because my account was on hold and because of this fraud my edd account got frozen and I could not receive any payments. A few days after I filed the fraud claim BofA canceled my claim. When I called they told me that they could not process my claim until EDD unfroze and confirmed my identity. In March EDD finally unfroze and confirmed my identity. I immediately called BofA to reopen my fraud.

bank of america edd - Users are also annoyed over the customer service at the Bank of America BofA as most of them are said to be kept on hold for long hours on the call

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